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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Nato report won’t hurt fencemending efforts: US

WASHINGTON: A US State Department spokesperson said Wednesday that a leaked NATO report summarizing the views of Taliban detainees was not designed to impact on efforts to ease tensions with Pakistan.

"(T)his is a classified report... It shouldn't have come out into the open. It was not designed for any purpose other than to help those in the field understand what Taliban detainees were saying. So it was in no way designed to impact on our ongoing efforts to get back on track with Pakistan, which continue,” Spokesperson Victoria Nuland said at the daily briefing.

Citing the detainees, the report claims that Taliban are winning the war thanks to cooperation from some Afghan government officials and soldiers and who say their movement is allegedly controlled by some Pakistanis.

Nuland, who was responding to questions about the findings in the report, said there was nothing new in it.

She said Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had raised many of those issues when she was in Pakistan last fall.

Further questioned about the release of the report at a time when U.S. is talking to the Taliban, the spokespersons said that in the context of the larger U.S. strategy, "we need to fight, talk and build at the same time. So it doesn't change the fact that those Taliban who continue to take up arms against the state of Afghanistan, against innocents in Afghanistan, are going to be confronted, going to be confronted by Afghan security forces; they're going to be confronted by NATO supporting those forces. So that continues.

"At the same time, we support the efforts of the Afghan government to create a real channel with those Afghans who are ready for reconciliation, and that's what we've been working on". (APP)

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